On August 3rd - I put out 35 Harris for President yard signs on voter's lawns in Idlewild.
On August 5th - I put out 30 Harris for President yard signs on voter's lawns in Chase, Idlewild and Lake.
On August 8th - I put out 25 Harris for President yard signs on voters lawns in downtown Baldwin.
On August 10th, I chaired the 2nd CD's in-person monthly meeting.
On August 11th, I sent in the request forms to have Lt. Governor Gilchrist, Governor Whitmer, A.G. Nessel (sent a text), U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow and U.S. Senator Gary Peters to be our keynote speaker for the Blue Wave Gala.
On August 12th, I had a meeting with Jeff Winston at my house about how the 2nd CD was doing and what he could do to help with our issue with Congresswomen Slotkin's cancelling our Blue Wave Gala. Jeff will work to get us another Keynote speaker. While we were talking, he got a text from Sec.of State Benson's office who confirmed his request that she will be available to be our keynote speaker for the Blue Wave Gala! WooHoo!
On August 12th, Mia Davidson emailed me back to tell me that Governor Whitmer would not be able to be our keynote speaker for the Blue Wave Gala.
On August 18th - I met with Candidate for the 2nd CD Congressman Michael Lynch and got yard signs.
On August 19th - I put out 12 Harris for President yard signs on voter's lawns in Webber Twp.
On August 19th - I met with Stan Opal to give the Newaygo Dem's 25 Michael Lynch yard signs.
On August 21st - I put out 25 Harris for President yard signs on voters lawns in Idlewild.
On August 19th-22nd, we sent our 4 delegates to the Chicago convention to vote for Candidate Harris for President!
On August 24th, I chaired the State Convention in Lansing, MI for our 2nd CD's Caucus Room. It was in this meeting that I was voted in to be one of 13 Presidential Electors in December to vote for our new President Kamala Harris (if she wins).
On August 27th - I put out 25 Harris for President yard signs on voters lawns in Cherry Valley, Dover, Elk and Pleasent Plains Townships.
On September 1st - I delivered candidate for Michigan Supreme Court (50) Kimberly Thomas and Kyra Bolden Harris yard signs to the Gratiot Dem's.
On September 1st, I sent the 2nd CD secretary the zoom link for our September 14th Zoom Only monthly meeting.
On September 2nd - I delivered candidate for Michigan Supreme Court (25) Kimberly Thomas and Kyra Bolden Harris yard signs to the Barry County Dem's.
On September 3rd - I put out 30 Harris for President yard signs on voters lawns in Idlewild
On September 5th, I chaired the Lake County Democratic Party's monthly meeting.
On September 14th, I chaired the 2nd CD's Zoom Only meeting from 10am-Noon.