2nd CD Agenda for November 11, 2023
Pledge to the Flag
Indigenous Land Acknowledgement:
Speakers: Michael Lynch, Candidate for Congress, will be our guest speaker.
Roll call of officers:
(Peggy) Roll Call of District Committee Members:
(Peggy) Roll call of Counties:
Determination of quorum:
According to our by-laws (Section #5.1.C.), a quorum will exist when 50% of the officers and four additional members of the District Committee are present. *It appears we have a quorum. We can start our meeting.
Approval of agenda
Has everyone had a chance to read the agenda? May I get a motion to approve the agenda? Any further discussion? Let's vote.
Approval of minutes:
Has everyone had a chance to read the minutes? Are there any changes or additions that anyone has to the minutes at this time? No changes? No Vote needed. They are approved.
Officer’s reports:
Chairperson Mary Minnick- Please read your report if any is needed at this time.
Vice Chairperson John Helge - Please read your report if any is needed at this time.
Treasurer Dallas Dean -Please read your report if any is needed at this time.
Secretary Peggy Raddatz - Please read your report if any is needed at this time.
Committee Reports:
● Rules and Bylaws Committee:
1). Dallas Dean (Chair)- Please read your report if any is needed at this time.
Under Bylaws Committee report I will mention that the bylaw change was accepted by us and by the State party.
2). Mark Everhart - Lake County D.P.
3). John Helge - Manistee County D.P.
4). Mary Minnick - Lake County D.P.
● Finance and Fundraising Committee:
1). Dallas Dean (Chair) -Please read your report if any is needed at this time.
2). Ken Mahoney - Muskegon C.D.P.
● Candidate Recruitment and Support (for candidate) Committee:
1). Ed Miller (Chair) - Please read your report if any is needed at this time.
2). Christina Bush - Barry County D.P.
3). Christie Freestone - Gratiot County D.P.
4). Julie Alexander - Mecosta County D.P.
● Political and 2nd CD Party Organizing Committee:
1).Cathy Willermet (Chair) - please read your report at this time.
2). Karen Turnbull - Mecosta County D.P.
● Communications Committee:
1). Mary Minnick (Chair) – Please read your report if any is needed at this time.
2). Sally Wagoner - Newaygo C.D.P.
● Policy and Resolution Committee:
1). John Helge (Chair) - Please read your report if any is needed at this time.
2). Michael Lynch - Gratiot C.D.P. Please read your report if any is needed at this time.
● Audit Committee:
1). Robin (Alexson) Aslakson (Chair) - On Vacation - Please read your report if any is needed at this time.
2). Mark Everhart - Lake C.D.P.
Unfinished Business:
New Business:
County Reports:
Good and Welfare:
Agenda is complete, meeting is adjourned
Pledge to the Flag
Indigenous Land Acknowledgement:
Speakers: Michael Lynch, Candidate for Congress, will be our guest speaker.
Roll call of officers:
(Peggy) Roll Call of District Committee Members:
(Peggy) Roll call of Counties:
Determination of quorum:
According to our by-laws (Section #5.1.C.), a quorum will exist when 50% of the officers and four additional members of the District Committee are present. *It appears we have a quorum. We can start our meeting.
Approval of agenda
Has everyone had a chance to read the agenda? May I get a motion to approve the agenda? Any further discussion? Let's vote.
Approval of minutes:
Has everyone had a chance to read the minutes? Are there any changes or additions that anyone has to the minutes at this time? No changes? No Vote needed. They are approved.
Officer’s reports:
Chairperson Mary Minnick- Please read your report if any is needed at this time.
Vice Chairperson John Helge - Please read your report if any is needed at this time.
Treasurer Dallas Dean -Please read your report if any is needed at this time.
Secretary Peggy Raddatz - Please read your report if any is needed at this time.
Committee Reports:
● Rules and Bylaws Committee:
1). Dallas Dean (Chair)- Please read your report if any is needed at this time.
Under Bylaws Committee report I will mention that the bylaw change was accepted by us and by the State party.
2). Mark Everhart - Lake County D.P.
3). John Helge - Manistee County D.P.
4). Mary Minnick - Lake County D.P.
● Finance and Fundraising Committee:
1). Dallas Dean (Chair) -Please read your report if any is needed at this time.
2). Ken Mahoney - Muskegon C.D.P.
● Candidate Recruitment and Support (for candidate) Committee:
1). Ed Miller (Chair) - Please read your report if any is needed at this time.
2). Christina Bush - Barry County D.P.
3). Christie Freestone - Gratiot County D.P.
4). Julie Alexander - Mecosta County D.P.
● Political and 2nd CD Party Organizing Committee:
1).Cathy Willermet (Chair) - please read your report at this time.
2). Karen Turnbull - Mecosta County D.P.
● Communications Committee:
1). Mary Minnick (Chair) – Please read your report if any is needed at this time.
2). Sally Wagoner - Newaygo C.D.P.
● Policy and Resolution Committee:
1). John Helge (Chair) - Please read your report if any is needed at this time.
2). Michael Lynch - Gratiot C.D.P. Please read your report if any is needed at this time.
● Audit Committee:
1). Robin (Alexson) Aslakson (Chair) - On Vacation - Please read your report if any is needed at this time.
2). Mark Everhart - Lake C.D.P.
Unfinished Business:
New Business:
County Reports:
Good and Welfare:
Agenda is complete, meeting is adjourned