By-Laws changes to be voted on January 13th, 2024
By-Laws changes to be voted on January 13th, 2024
Click this link to read the proposed By-Law changes that need to be voted on to pass it and accept it:
Email Scam!!!
Email Scam!!!
This email scam is going around right now. It started with the MDP Chair Lavora Barnes who got hacked and her email list was taken. The scammers then sent out emails to everyone in her email list requesting EBAY CASH CARDS! I have notified Lavora and Jeff Winston from Project 83. I have pinned it on my personal Facebook Page, the Second CD Facebook page, Elect Michael Lynch Facebook page and the Lake County Democratic Party Facebook page. Do not reply to this scam email or they will get your email list too!
Support the Gotion EV Battery Plant
Support the Gotion EV Battery Plant
What is the project?
Gotion North America proposes producing their battery electrode materials here, specifically the anode and cathode materials, which is the highest value-added component of new lithium-ion batteries. The anode and cathode produced in Big Rapids will support a wide array of customers, including automotive and utilities.
Who is the company?
Gotion is a publicly traded international company and is one of the ten largest advanced battery manufacturers in the world. The company has a North American headquarters in California.
Why Big Rapids area?
The company underwent an exhaustive due diligence process, having carefully considered over 40 locations across the United States for a domestic manufacturing facility and determined that West Michigan, and the Big Rapids site is an ideal place to grow its U.S. operations. The company recognized the area’s strong work ethic and partnership opportunities with Ferris State University’s world-class industrial tech programs as key factors in its decision-making process. The site under consideration has long been held as a place for industrial investment by the community. Assembled and developed nearly 25 years ago, the community has been prepared for an opportunity like this to materialize to utilize the infrastructure, airport, access to freeways and locally trained talent pool. Sites of this nature are in short supply across the country.
How are these batteries manufactured?
Li-ion batteries are found in all kinds of applications today, ranging from our cell phones to drones to lawn mowers to now cars. The production of electrode entails coating very thin rolls of metal and cutting and notching to size (VIDEO).
Is the property being sold to the company?
Yes. An appraisal of the Industrial Park property will be conducted to establish the land price. In the coming weeks, a Development Agreement will be prepared and advanced to the Township Board for consideration. This Development Agreement will include the real estate transaction details.
Will there be any significant roadway changes to accommodate increased traffic in that area?
The site was chosen for its easy access to transportation routes, which will greatly minimize traffic issues in the broader community. Upgraded intersections and traffic signals are planned for the area.
Who will actually own the land that the company will occupy?
The company will own the land.
Who covers all the costs associated with the infrastructure improvements that will be made for this company?
The state incentive offer provides funding for infrastructure improvements.
Will there be a ripple effect on the local economy?
The new jobs will increase the number of competitive job opportunities in the region, which could increase the number of people who commute to the Big Rapids area. That could lead to new residents who frequent stores, restaurants and begin using the school district.
What is a Renaissance Zone?
How will this benefit the community?
The Renaissance Zone incentive was first established as law in 1996, allowing communities to apply for designated areas that would be nearly tax-free. No state or local income or property taxes are levied on the new investment, excluding the land value (remains taxed) and any bond millages (school bonds, for example). Big Rapids Township successfully applied for a Renaissance Zone for the Industrial Park, which expired three years ago. Today, communities must seek state approval and generally have a large-scale project in order to obtain a new Renaissance Zone. For this project, each township (Big Rapids Charter Township and Green Charter Township) along with the County voted to support of the Renaissance Zone. The current tax collections on the site will be largely unchanged, as the raw land will continue to be taxed as it is today. In addition, the school bond millage will apply to this new investment, which will result in a rapid elimination of that debt millage on the citizens. Any future bond issues will also enjoy the benefits of this new tax base, as debt millage is not waived via Renaissance Zones. A project of this nature will naturally result in additional growth and investment outside the Renaissance Zone area, helping to grow the local tax base and providing additional jobs and services for area residents to enjoy. The infrastructure improvements that will be made for this commercial property will also benefit area residents and commercial customers.
Why is there such a large incentive package?
The automotive industry, which has been the foundation of the Michigan economy for over 100 years, is undergoing an unprecedented transformation as the industry transitions from the internal combustion engine to electric propulsion systems. For Michigan to continue to be a global leader in the automotive industry, it is imperative that the current wave of investment in EV-related projects is welcomed to this state. With nearly 500,000 people working in the automotive industry, including over 40,000 in West Michigan, the state has been aggressive in pursuing these large-scale EV projects to help secure the state’s economic future.
Are there any local examples of businesses benefiting from a Ren Zone opportunity?
Big Rapids Charter Township has history with Renaissance Zones, having put in place a Zone for the Industrial Park before expiring after 15 years. No companies chose to locate in the Industrial Park during that time.
Where will the workers come from?
Projects of this scale will often hire a blend of local talent and recruit new workers to the region. The area has long been a hub for employment, especially in the manufacturing sector, pulling people from as far as 60 miles away. These new jobs provide people greater opportunity to choose a career that keeps them closer to home.
What kinds of jobs will be offered at this location?
A full spectrum of job opportunities will be offered at this site, ranging from production, engineering, maintenance, and administrative. The company is proposing to develop the site in several phases over the next ten years, so hiring will continue well beyond 2024.
What will salary and benefits look like?
As part of its evaluation in providing incentives to prospective company’s looking to locate in Michigan, the Michigan Economic Development Corporation requires that job wages be competitive. The final wage and benefit levels will be determined closer to when the hiring process begins at scale, likely in the fourth quarter of 2023 or early in the first quarter of 2024.
How does this company expect to attract 2,350 people?
The company is proposing to develop the site in phases spanning six to ten years. Gotion will build its workforce as the phases progress through both attraction and training of local talent.
Will there be any workforce training?
There is an opportunity to develop a pipeline of talent for this industry and company, including area high schools, Ferris State University, Westshore Community College, Montcalm Community College, Grand Rapids Community College, and other educational institutions. These expanded training programs will supply newly skilled workers to the entire area, some of which will choose to work at this new facility and some choosing to work at existing area employers. The size of this new development provides the impetus for the area schools to expand their capacity, which will serve all employers. The plan is for area K12 and higher education programs to provide skills training that would be suitable for jobs at this company, which will allow area youth to stay and thrive in the region instead of leaving. Similar training certification programs will be made available for those adults already in the workforce or seeking to enter the workforce.
Will this be a 24/7 operation?
The company will operate as required to meet the needs of their customers, which could be as much as 24/7 operation.
Will there be traffic concerns?
It’s not expected that there will be heavy traffic patterns that would cause concern. The location is well[1]suited to accommodate traffic in that area. Adjustments, such as turn lanes and signals, will be developed, as necessary.
Click here to see the 2nd CD's Resolution in Support of the Gotion EV Battery Plant that has been submitted to the Michigan Democratic Party:
Gotion North America proposes producing their battery electrode materials here, specifically the anode and cathode materials, which is the highest value-added component of new lithium-ion batteries. The anode and cathode produced in Big Rapids will support a wide array of customers, including automotive and utilities.
Who is the company?
Gotion is a publicly traded international company and is one of the ten largest advanced battery manufacturers in the world. The company has a North American headquarters in California.
Why Big Rapids area?
The company underwent an exhaustive due diligence process, having carefully considered over 40 locations across the United States for a domestic manufacturing facility and determined that West Michigan, and the Big Rapids site is an ideal place to grow its U.S. operations. The company recognized the area’s strong work ethic and partnership opportunities with Ferris State University’s world-class industrial tech programs as key factors in its decision-making process. The site under consideration has long been held as a place for industrial investment by the community. Assembled and developed nearly 25 years ago, the community has been prepared for an opportunity like this to materialize to utilize the infrastructure, airport, access to freeways and locally trained talent pool. Sites of this nature are in short supply across the country.
How are these batteries manufactured?
Li-ion batteries are found in all kinds of applications today, ranging from our cell phones to drones to lawn mowers to now cars. The production of electrode entails coating very thin rolls of metal and cutting and notching to size (VIDEO).
Is the property being sold to the company?
Yes. An appraisal of the Industrial Park property will be conducted to establish the land price. In the coming weeks, a Development Agreement will be prepared and advanced to the Township Board for consideration. This Development Agreement will include the real estate transaction details.
Will there be any significant roadway changes to accommodate increased traffic in that area?
The site was chosen for its easy access to transportation routes, which will greatly minimize traffic issues in the broader community. Upgraded intersections and traffic signals are planned for the area.
Who will actually own the land that the company will occupy?
The company will own the land.
Who covers all the costs associated with the infrastructure improvements that will be made for this company?
The state incentive offer provides funding for infrastructure improvements.
Will there be a ripple effect on the local economy?
The new jobs will increase the number of competitive job opportunities in the region, which could increase the number of people who commute to the Big Rapids area. That could lead to new residents who frequent stores, restaurants and begin using the school district.
What is a Renaissance Zone?
How will this benefit the community?
The Renaissance Zone incentive was first established as law in 1996, allowing communities to apply for designated areas that would be nearly tax-free. No state or local income or property taxes are levied on the new investment, excluding the land value (remains taxed) and any bond millages (school bonds, for example). Big Rapids Township successfully applied for a Renaissance Zone for the Industrial Park, which expired three years ago. Today, communities must seek state approval and generally have a large-scale project in order to obtain a new Renaissance Zone. For this project, each township (Big Rapids Charter Township and Green Charter Township) along with the County voted to support of the Renaissance Zone. The current tax collections on the site will be largely unchanged, as the raw land will continue to be taxed as it is today. In addition, the school bond millage will apply to this new investment, which will result in a rapid elimination of that debt millage on the citizens. Any future bond issues will also enjoy the benefits of this new tax base, as debt millage is not waived via Renaissance Zones. A project of this nature will naturally result in additional growth and investment outside the Renaissance Zone area, helping to grow the local tax base and providing additional jobs and services for area residents to enjoy. The infrastructure improvements that will be made for this commercial property will also benefit area residents and commercial customers.
Why is there such a large incentive package?
The automotive industry, which has been the foundation of the Michigan economy for over 100 years, is undergoing an unprecedented transformation as the industry transitions from the internal combustion engine to electric propulsion systems. For Michigan to continue to be a global leader in the automotive industry, it is imperative that the current wave of investment in EV-related projects is welcomed to this state. With nearly 500,000 people working in the automotive industry, including over 40,000 in West Michigan, the state has been aggressive in pursuing these large-scale EV projects to help secure the state’s economic future.
Are there any local examples of businesses benefiting from a Ren Zone opportunity?
Big Rapids Charter Township has history with Renaissance Zones, having put in place a Zone for the Industrial Park before expiring after 15 years. No companies chose to locate in the Industrial Park during that time.
Where will the workers come from?
Projects of this scale will often hire a blend of local talent and recruit new workers to the region. The area has long been a hub for employment, especially in the manufacturing sector, pulling people from as far as 60 miles away. These new jobs provide people greater opportunity to choose a career that keeps them closer to home.
What kinds of jobs will be offered at this location?
A full spectrum of job opportunities will be offered at this site, ranging from production, engineering, maintenance, and administrative. The company is proposing to develop the site in several phases over the next ten years, so hiring will continue well beyond 2024.
What will salary and benefits look like?
As part of its evaluation in providing incentives to prospective company’s looking to locate in Michigan, the Michigan Economic Development Corporation requires that job wages be competitive. The final wage and benefit levels will be determined closer to when the hiring process begins at scale, likely in the fourth quarter of 2023 or early in the first quarter of 2024.
How does this company expect to attract 2,350 people?
The company is proposing to develop the site in phases spanning six to ten years. Gotion will build its workforce as the phases progress through both attraction and training of local talent.
Will there be any workforce training?
There is an opportunity to develop a pipeline of talent for this industry and company, including area high schools, Ferris State University, Westshore Community College, Montcalm Community College, Grand Rapids Community College, and other educational institutions. These expanded training programs will supply newly skilled workers to the entire area, some of which will choose to work at this new facility and some choosing to work at existing area employers. The size of this new development provides the impetus for the area schools to expand their capacity, which will serve all employers. The plan is for area K12 and higher education programs to provide skills training that would be suitable for jobs at this company, which will allow area youth to stay and thrive in the region instead of leaving. Similar training certification programs will be made available for those adults already in the workforce or seeking to enter the workforce.
Will this be a 24/7 operation?
The company will operate as required to meet the needs of their customers, which could be as much as 24/7 operation.
Will there be traffic concerns?
It’s not expected that there will be heavy traffic patterns that would cause concern. The location is well[1]suited to accommodate traffic in that area. Adjustments, such as turn lanes and signals, will be developed, as necessary.
Click here to see the 2nd CD's Resolution in Support of the Gotion EV Battery Plant that has been submitted to the Michigan Democratic Party:
On January 6, 2021 after a violent mob attacked and ransacked the US Capitol building US Rep John Moolenaar still made the decision to vote no to certify the electoral votes from the state of Arizona. He was fully prepared to do the same for our votes from Michigan. He remains complicit in spreading the Big Lie that the 2020 Presidential Election was not free and fair and that Joseph Biden is the legally elected President of the United State of America. He has voted NO on all legislation that has passed to provide support for economic recovery and infrastructure investment for Michigan residents. He thinks no one will notice and that we will all forget and vote for him anyway in November 2024. This group will hit him where it hurts the his campaign pocketbook. We will let his donors know we do not approve and that he is not worthy of their support.
Click this link to find out how you can help us flip our 2nd CD BLUE and vote for a Congressperson who actually cares about our state and our country!
We must be lazer focused on spreading the word that John Moolenaar took part in the January 6, 2021 plot to overturn the Presidential election and continues to spread the BIG LIE! He continues to spread lies, misinformation, hate, and division. We will be convincing Moolenaar's big donors to stop giving him $$. DO NOT respond to any of his posts. Instead challenge his lies and misinformation with positive posts pf your own calling out his lies.
On January 6, 2021 after a violent mob attacked and ransacked the US Capitol building US Rep John Moolenaar still made the decision to vote no to certify the electoral votes from the state of Arizona. He was fully prepared to do the same for our votes from Michigan. He remains complicit in spreading the Big Lie that the 2020 Presidential Election was not free and fair and that Joseph Biden is the legally elected President of the United State of America. He has voted NO on all legislation that has passed to provide support for economic recovery and infrastructure investment for Michigan residents. He thinks no one will notice and that we will all forget and vote for him anyway in November 2024. This group will hit him where it hurts the his campaign pocketbook. We will let his donors know we do not approve and that he is not worthy of their support.
Click this link to find out how you can help us flip our 2nd CD BLUE and vote for a Congressperson who actually cares about our state and our country!
We must be lazer focused on spreading the word that John Moolenaar took part in the January 6, 2021 plot to overturn the Presidential election and continues to spread the BIG LIE! He continues to spread lies, misinformation, hate, and division. We will be convincing Moolenaar's big donors to stop giving him $$. DO NOT respond to any of his posts. Instead challenge his lies and misinformation with positive posts pf your own calling out his lies.
Sensible Gun Reform!
*Thank you Midland County Democratic Party for putting this "Sensible Gun Reform" Call to Action together for all of us!*
Let’s flood our State Representative's office with 500 calls and tell him/her to support common sense gun reforms! Call him/her! Write him/her a letter! Send him/her an email! Let’s send him/her a message they can’t ignore!
Find your Representatives:
Script: (copy and paste it in your email or read it when you call them:):
My name is (your name) and I am calling from the (zip code). I demand that you support House Bills 4149 & 4150 to prevent concealed or open carry of guns in buildings owned or leased by the State of Michigan. I also demand that you support House Bills 4138 & 4148 to encourage safe storage of guns, universal background checks for all gun purchases, and red flag laws to protect victims. Your typical response that we aren’t enforcing laws already on the books is not enough! We can both support HB 4149, 4150, 4138, & 4148 to make Michigan safer as well as support enforcement. My question to you is, what have you done or plan to do to make Michigan families and children at schools safer and to enforce the laws already on the books as you have said so many times? And if it doesn’t include supporting these bills then you are not doing enough. We will hold you accountable at the ballot box.
Contact Info:
(your name and zip code)
Follow these Bills by clicking this link:
** Please Like, share on all your social media outlets! Send this in an email or text to everyone you know! We have to show them that just because they represents a Republican leaning district, doesn’t mean he can get away with ignoring us!
If your representative is a Democrat and agrees with these bills, change the wording to tell them how happy you are with them and their decision to back these bills. Let them know you appreciate them listening to their constituents.
*Thank you Midland County Democratic Party for putting this "Sensible Gun Reform" Call to Action together for all of us!*
Let’s flood our State Representative's office with 500 calls and tell him/her to support common sense gun reforms! Call him/her! Write him/her a letter! Send him/her an email! Let’s send him/her a message they can’t ignore!
Find your Representatives:
Script: (copy and paste it in your email or read it when you call them:):
My name is (your name) and I am calling from the (zip code). I demand that you support House Bills 4149 & 4150 to prevent concealed or open carry of guns in buildings owned or leased by the State of Michigan. I also demand that you support House Bills 4138 & 4148 to encourage safe storage of guns, universal background checks for all gun purchases, and red flag laws to protect victims. Your typical response that we aren’t enforcing laws already on the books is not enough! We can both support HB 4149, 4150, 4138, & 4148 to make Michigan safer as well as support enforcement. My question to you is, what have you done or plan to do to make Michigan families and children at schools safer and to enforce the laws already on the books as you have said so many times? And if it doesn’t include supporting these bills then you are not doing enough. We will hold you accountable at the ballot box.
Contact Info:
(your name and zip code)
Follow these Bills by clicking this link:
** Please Like, share on all your social media outlets! Send this in an email or text to everyone you know! We have to show them that just because they represents a Republican leaning district, doesn’t mean he can get away with ignoring us!
If your representative is a Democrat and agrees with these bills, change the wording to tell them how happy you are with them and their decision to back these bills. Let them know you appreciate them listening to their constituents.
Call to Action!!!
Walgreen’s protest
3). Walgreens told Politico it would not sell the pills in those states, which includes some where abortion is legal.
"Walgreens" and "#BoycottWalgreens" are trending on Twitter as users reacted to the policy”.
4). Want to do more? Add your name to this protest being sponsored by " The Women's March" link!
Boycott Walgreens | Women's March (
- 1). There is a Walgreen’s protest going on all over our country because they have stopped selling the abortion pill known as "Mifepristone"!
3). Walgreens told Politico it would not sell the pills in those states, which includes some where abortion is legal.
"Walgreens" and "#BoycottWalgreens" are trending on Twitter as users reacted to the policy”.
4). Want to do more? Add your name to this protest being sponsored by " The Women's March" link!
Boycott Walgreens | Women's March (
Call to Action!!!
Support the Drive SAFE House Bills 4410, 4411, and 4412 AND Senate Bills 0265, 0266, and 0267
Tell Michigan Legislators:
Support Driver’s Licenses for All! Now that the Drive SAFE Bills have been introduced, it's time to contact the House Regulatory Reform Committee and the Senate Transportation Committee supporters! We know that this legislation will have clear, tangible, and positive impacts on hundreds of thousands of Michiganders — including the lives of your constituents. Right now, too many Michiganders cannot engage in their communities, participate in our state economy more fully and complete everyday tasks with dignity and without fear.
Together, we can make Michigan a place where freedom is for everyone, no matter who you are or where you come from. Call and email your Senator and/or Representative and tell them to grant the Drive SAFE Bills a hearing ASAP.
Please call your State of Michigan Representative by clicking the link below that will give you a phone script to read when you call them:
Tell Michigan Legislators:
Support Driver’s Licenses for All! Now that the Drive SAFE Bills have been introduced, it's time to contact the House Regulatory Reform Committee and the Senate Transportation Committee supporters! We know that this legislation will have clear, tangible, and positive impacts on hundreds of thousands of Michiganders — including the lives of your constituents. Right now, too many Michiganders cannot engage in their communities, participate in our state economy more fully and complete everyday tasks with dignity and without fear.
Together, we can make Michigan a place where freedom is for everyone, no matter who you are or where you come from. Call and email your Senator and/or Representative and tell them to grant the Drive SAFE Bills a hearing ASAP.
Please call your State of Michigan Representative by clicking the link below that will give you a phone script to read when you call them:
Call to Action!!!
Great news! Medicare for All Act of 2023 is being re-introduced! Let's come together to eliminate medical debt, can you take 1 (one) minute and send a message to your lawmakers to support Medicare for All.
#medicareforall #peoplepowerunited #inspiredtovote
#medicareforall #peoplepowerunited #inspiredtovote
It's called the Starfish Buyback Program, and that might seem like a strange name for a gun program but it all comes back to the “Starfish and the Young Boy on the Beach” fable.
As the story goes, a young boy is walking along the beach and sees hundreds of starfish stranded along the sand. He picks one up individually and throws it back in and goes back and gets another one and throws it back in. Soon a stranger comes by and asks him what he’s doing. The boy explains he’s saving the starfish. The stranger says there’s just too many of them, there’s no way you could make it and save them all. But as the boy picks up another one and throws it back in the water, he goes, “But I did save that one. It meant everything to that one,” and that’s how they’re approaching the gun problem.
“If the guns come from Mason County or from California, we don’t care,” said Reeber. “We just want to get them out of the hands of civilians.”
Here’s how it will work:
Anybody can bring an assault style weapon to the Ludington police, no questions asked, totally anonymous. Police will check the weapon and decide if it is eligible. If it is, the person gets a $300 gift card to a big box store.
What is eligible?
Any semi automatic rifle with detachable magazines and has two or more of the following:
- folding stock
- pistol grip
- bayonet mount
- flash hider
- grenade launcher
- barrel shroud.
Collected guns will be destroyed by the Michigan State Police.
Reeber has no idea how many, if any will show up. But she says that’s okay because if just one gun is taken off the streets, she is happy.
“It’s the starfish story,” said Reeber. “One action at a time will make a difference.”
As the story goes, a young boy is walking along the beach and sees hundreds of starfish stranded along the sand. He picks one up individually and throws it back in and goes back and gets another one and throws it back in. Soon a stranger comes by and asks him what he’s doing. The boy explains he’s saving the starfish. The stranger says there’s just too many of them, there’s no way you could make it and save them all. But as the boy picks up another one and throws it back in the water, he goes, “But I did save that one. It meant everything to that one,” and that’s how they’re approaching the gun problem.
“If the guns come from Mason County or from California, we don’t care,” said Reeber. “We just want to get them out of the hands of civilians.”
Here’s how it will work:
Anybody can bring an assault style weapon to the Ludington police, no questions asked, totally anonymous. Police will check the weapon and decide if it is eligible. If it is, the person gets a $300 gift card to a big box store.
What is eligible?
Any semi automatic rifle with detachable magazines and has two or more of the following:
- folding stock
- pistol grip
- bayonet mount
- flash hider
- grenade launcher
- barrel shroud.
Collected guns will be destroyed by the Michigan State Police.
Reeber has no idea how many, if any will show up. But she says that’s okay because if just one gun is taken off the streets, she is happy.
“It’s the starfish story,” said Reeber. “One action at a time will make a difference.”
End Prison Gerrymandering
We need your support to end prison gerrymandering in Michigan. Senate Bill 0033 is a crucial step towards ensuring fair representation for all. Join us in calling on our state legislators to support this bill.
This bill would require the use of a person's pre-incarceration address as their home address for establishing voting districts, ending the unfair practice of counting incarcerated individuals as residents of the prison location. By passing this bill, Michigan would join 14 other states that have already taken action to end prison gerrymandering.
We are proud to stand alongside the Voting Access for All Coalition (VAAC), Voters Not Politicians, and other partners in supporting SB0033. Together, we can ensure fair democratic representation across our state.
You can make a difference by adding your name to our sign-on statement addressed to elected officials and workforce policy decision-makers. It only takes a minute, and we'll take care of the rest.
Thank you for your unwavering support and commitment to a more equitable Michigan.
We need your support to end prison gerrymandering in Michigan. Senate Bill 0033 is a crucial step towards ensuring fair representation for all. Join us in calling on our state legislators to support this bill.
This bill would require the use of a person's pre-incarceration address as their home address for establishing voting districts, ending the unfair practice of counting incarcerated individuals as residents of the prison location. By passing this bill, Michigan would join 14 other states that have already taken action to end prison gerrymandering.
We are proud to stand alongside the Voting Access for All Coalition (VAAC), Voters Not Politicians, and other partners in supporting SB0033. Together, we can ensure fair democratic representation across our state.
You can make a difference by adding your name to our sign-on statement addressed to elected officials and workforce policy decision-makers. It only takes a minute, and we'll take care of the rest.
Thank you for your unwavering support and commitment to a more equitable Michigan.