Minutes from our last May 13th, 2023 Meeting:
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Second Congressional District Meeting
Saturday, May 13, 2022 Wheaton Township Hall
10:00 a.m. Remus, Michigan
1. Call to Order – The meeting was called to order by Mary Minnick, Chair at 10:02 a.m.
a. Mary Minnick, Chair led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.
b. In addition, Ed Miller, Mason County, read the Land Acknowledgment Statement.
2. Roll Call --
a. Officers -- Mary Minnick, Chair – Present
John Helge, Vice Chair -- Present
Dallas Dean, Treasurer – Present
Peggy Raddatz, Secretary -- Present
3. Roll Call (continued)
a. District Committee Members
Robin Aslakson, Mason County – Present
Julie Alexander, Mecosta County – Present
Jennifer Austin, Midland County -- Absent
Jeffery Beegle, Muskegon County -- Absent
Christina Bush, Barry County -- Present
Jason Colella, Muskegon County -- Absent
Shawn Davis, Ottawa -- Present
Dallas Dean, Newaygo County -- Present
Mark Everhart, Lake County -- Present
Michael Fields, Gladwin County -- Present
Christie Freestone, Gratiot County -- Present
Kim Gates, Kent County -- Absent
John Helge, Manistee County -- Present
Jerry Hilliard, Mecosta County-- Present
Justin Johnson, Montcalm County -- Absent
Jennifer Koch-Donovan, Clare County -- Absent
Michael Lynch, Gratiot County -- Present
Ken Mahoney, Muskegon County -- Present
K.P. Mahoney, Muskegon County -- Present
Lynn Mason, Ionia County -- Absent
Edward Miller, Mason County -- Present
Mary Minnick, Lake County -- Present
Landon Myers, Eaton County-- Absent
John Pakledinaz, Clare County -- Absent
Peggy Raddatz, Mason County, -- Present
Amanda Siggins, Wexford County -- Present
Mary Temple, Oceana County -- Absent
Mark Thomson, -- Absent
Karen Turnbull, Gratiot County – Present
Sally Wagoner, Newaygo County – Absent
Chadwick Walenga, Newaygo County -- Absent
Cathy Willermet, Isabella County-- Present
b. County Count
Barry County --1
Clare County -- 2
Eaton County (3/16) --0
Gladwin County --3
Gratiot County -- 4
Ionia County -- 1
Isabella County --4
Kent County (13/24) --1
Lake County --2
Manistee County --3
Mason County --2
Mecosta County --9
Midland County --2
Montcalm County -- 0
Muskegon County (11/18) -- 2
Newaygo County -- 1
Oceana County -- 2
Osceola County -- 0
Ottawa County (1/17) --1
Wexford County -- 1
4. A Quorum was deemed present.
5. It was moved by Edward Miller, Mason County and seconded by Cathy Willermet, Isabella County TO ACCEPT THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. MOTION CARRIIED.
6. Dallas Dean, Newaygo County raised an objection to parties being referred to as chapters when the Minutes were sent out. Therefore, it was moved by Dallas Dean, Newaygo County and seconded by Michael Lynch, Gratiot County THAT THE MINUTES BE ACCEPTED WITH AMENDMENTS. MOTION CARRIED.
7. Chair’s Report
Mary Minnick, Chair read her Chair’s Report which can be found on the District Website https://www.michigan2nddemocrats.com/.
8. Vice Chair’s Report
John Helge Vice Chair stated his report could also be found on the website and then expressed disdain for all the outside interests that have centered on the Gotion proposed battery production in Mecosta County. In addition, he attended a coffee hour with a staff person of Moolenaar’s where the staff person not only received grief from the Democrats in attendance, they received grief from the Republicans in attendance as well for not being MAGA enough!
9. Treasurer’s Report
Dallas Dean, Treasurer reported the balances of the Federal, State, Administrative, and Texas Hold ‘em Accounts. The State Account had a balance of $226.86, the Administration Account
had a balance of $457.02, the Federal Account had a balance of $5,134.50 and the Texas Hold’em had a balance of $3,773.04. He was questioned on the use of Union Printers. He noted there are no Union Printers located in the 2nd Congressional District. However, for the mailing for the Blue Wave Gala, a Union printer will be used out of Pontiac. It was moved by Mark Everhart and seconded by Ed Miller to: ACCEPT THE TREASURER’S REPORT AND PAY ALL BILLS. MOTION CARRIED.
10. Secretary’s Report
Peggy Raddatz, Secretary thanked Mark Everhart, Lake County for doing an excellent job taking the Minutes while she was sick. John Helge, Vice Chair stated that all emails to the body of the district members must go through the Secretary for spellcheck and formatting.
11. Committee Reports
a. Rules and Bylaws Committee – Dallas Dean, Newaygo County, Committee Chair stated since there were no changes to the bylaws, there was nothing to report.
b. Finance and Fundraising Committee – Dallas Dean, Newaygo County, Committee Chair warmly thanked everyone who worked on the Ice Cream Social. He went on to talk about the Blue Wave Gala. The Committee had first looked at St. Ives Golf Club Ballroom. However, they found that St. Ives was too expensive, had limited seating and the physical site was too constraining for their use. They added a person from Mecosta County to their committee, Jess Illif-List who knew the lay of the land. They now have settled on CK’s Place. CK’s Place now meets all the committee’s criteria. The Blue Wave Gala is set for September 30.
In addition, Dallas Dean announced the work dates for Texas Hold’em. They are July 24-27, August 7-10, and September 11-14 and September 18-21.
c. Candidate Recruitment and Support Committee – Edward Miller, Mason County, Committee Chair reported this committee had not met, but would meet prior to the August 12th meeting of the 2nd Congressional District.
d. Political and 2nd CD Party Organizing Committee – Cathy Willermet, Isabella County, Committee Chair reported they were looking for emails and names of the newspapers. If those could be forwarded, it would be appreciated.
e. Communications Committee – Mary Minnick, Lake County, Committee Chair reported she had contacted the Grand Rapids Press to announce the Ice Cream Social and 2CD meeting.
f. Policy and Resolution Committee – John Helge, Manistee County, Committee Chair apprised us all of the Mecosta County Democratic Party’s Resolution in support of the Gotion manufacturing facility. He was taking it home to his party and hoped others would do the same.
g. Audit Committee – Robin Aslakson, Mason County, Committee Chair. No report at this time.
New Business –
1. MARK YOUR CALENDAR -- At the August 12th Meeting of the 2nd Congressional District where all members are invited, State Supreme Court Justice Elizabeth Welch will be our guest speaker. The meeting will be held at the Wheaton Township Hall, 201 Sheridan Avenue, Remus, Michigan from 10-Noon.
2. BLUE WAVE GALA – It was moved by Dallas Dean, Newaygo County, and seconded by K.P. Mahoney, Muskegon County TO HOLD THE BLUE WAVE GALA AT CK’S PLACE. MOTION CARRIED. Our keynote speaker for the Blue Wave Gala will be Elissa Slotkin, Candidate for U.S. Senate. Again, the Blue Wave Gala will be held September 30th.
12. Good and Welfare –
a. Karen Turnbull, Mecosta County, asked members to consider participating in the two fundraisers they have going on. “Spring into Summer” on May 19th at the Antlers Fireside Grill in Stanwood. In addition, the party is sponsoring the Woodbridge Ferris Gala on October 14th. Support would be greatly appreciated as they work to back the Gotion manufacturing facility. She also noted the Mecosta Legacy nominees appreciated the certificates they received.
b. Michael Fields, Gladwin County stated a letter he co-authored was on the website for all to use regarding House Bills 4410, 4411, 4412 and Senate Bills 0265, 0266 and 0267. These bills address driver licenses for guest workers. He encouraged members to send this letter to our Republican representatives, so they go on record as not supporting farmers. Michael Fields, would forward talking points to the 2CD Executive Team, to be sent out by email to members.
c. Christine Freestone, Gratiot County announced on the 50th anniversary of the PBB disaster, there will be a Conference to Commemorate and Learn from the Poisoning of Michigan from PBB. Fifty years have gone by without cleanup of the PBB site. With funds from the Biden administration, and a big sign thanking Biden at the site, the error is now being rectified.
d. Dallas Dean, Newaygo County, noted the Legacy dinner will be held May 20th in Detroit. Legacy Awardees, Peggy Raddatz, Mason County would be attending with her husband, and Dallas Dean, Newaygo County, who recently lost his wife, would be attending with Amanda Siggins, Wexford County.
e. Mary Minnick, Lake County, introduced Michael Lynch, candidate for the 2nd Congressional District. Michael Lynch, Gratiot County, entertained us all with a clever parody of a Jeff Foxworthy routine.
f. Lily Cheng-Schulting, Kent County, Vice-Chair of the MDP Progressive Caucus, introduced Hill Harper, a possible candidate for U.S. Senate. Hill Harper, Wayne County, told us about his background and what he would do if he were Senator.
13. Adjournment
It was the consensus of the group the meeting be adjourned. Mary Minnick, Chair declared the meeting adjourned at 11:44 am.
Respectfully submitted,
By Peggy Raddatz
2nd Congressional District
If you have any changes or additions, please contact me directly before the meeting to save time at the meeting, [email protected]. Thank you for your cooperation!
Click here to download and print:
Second Congressional District Meeting
Saturday, May 13, 2022 Wheaton Township Hall
10:00 a.m. Remus, Michigan
1. Call to Order – The meeting was called to order by Mary Minnick, Chair at 10:02 a.m.
a. Mary Minnick, Chair led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.
b. In addition, Ed Miller, Mason County, read the Land Acknowledgment Statement.
2. Roll Call --
a. Officers -- Mary Minnick, Chair – Present
John Helge, Vice Chair -- Present
Dallas Dean, Treasurer – Present
Peggy Raddatz, Secretary -- Present
3. Roll Call (continued)
a. District Committee Members
Robin Aslakson, Mason County – Present
Julie Alexander, Mecosta County – Present
Jennifer Austin, Midland County -- Absent
Jeffery Beegle, Muskegon County -- Absent
Christina Bush, Barry County -- Present
Jason Colella, Muskegon County -- Absent
Shawn Davis, Ottawa -- Present
Dallas Dean, Newaygo County -- Present
Mark Everhart, Lake County -- Present
Michael Fields, Gladwin County -- Present
Christie Freestone, Gratiot County -- Present
Kim Gates, Kent County -- Absent
John Helge, Manistee County -- Present
Jerry Hilliard, Mecosta County-- Present
Justin Johnson, Montcalm County -- Absent
Jennifer Koch-Donovan, Clare County -- Absent
Michael Lynch, Gratiot County -- Present
Ken Mahoney, Muskegon County -- Present
K.P. Mahoney, Muskegon County -- Present
Lynn Mason, Ionia County -- Absent
Edward Miller, Mason County -- Present
Mary Minnick, Lake County -- Present
Landon Myers, Eaton County-- Absent
John Pakledinaz, Clare County -- Absent
Peggy Raddatz, Mason County, -- Present
Amanda Siggins, Wexford County -- Present
Mary Temple, Oceana County -- Absent
Mark Thomson, -- Absent
Karen Turnbull, Gratiot County – Present
Sally Wagoner, Newaygo County – Absent
Chadwick Walenga, Newaygo County -- Absent
Cathy Willermet, Isabella County-- Present
b. County Count
Barry County --1
Clare County -- 2
Eaton County (3/16) --0
Gladwin County --3
Gratiot County -- 4
Ionia County -- 1
Isabella County --4
Kent County (13/24) --1
Lake County --2
Manistee County --3
Mason County --2
Mecosta County --9
Midland County --2
Montcalm County -- 0
Muskegon County (11/18) -- 2
Newaygo County -- 1
Oceana County -- 2
Osceola County -- 0
Ottawa County (1/17) --1
Wexford County -- 1
4. A Quorum was deemed present.
5. It was moved by Edward Miller, Mason County and seconded by Cathy Willermet, Isabella County TO ACCEPT THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. MOTION CARRIIED.
6. Dallas Dean, Newaygo County raised an objection to parties being referred to as chapters when the Minutes were sent out. Therefore, it was moved by Dallas Dean, Newaygo County and seconded by Michael Lynch, Gratiot County THAT THE MINUTES BE ACCEPTED WITH AMENDMENTS. MOTION CARRIED.
7. Chair’s Report
Mary Minnick, Chair read her Chair’s Report which can be found on the District Website https://www.michigan2nddemocrats.com/.
8. Vice Chair’s Report
John Helge Vice Chair stated his report could also be found on the website and then expressed disdain for all the outside interests that have centered on the Gotion proposed battery production in Mecosta County. In addition, he attended a coffee hour with a staff person of Moolenaar’s where the staff person not only received grief from the Democrats in attendance, they received grief from the Republicans in attendance as well for not being MAGA enough!
9. Treasurer’s Report
Dallas Dean, Treasurer reported the balances of the Federal, State, Administrative, and Texas Hold ‘em Accounts. The State Account had a balance of $226.86, the Administration Account
had a balance of $457.02, the Federal Account had a balance of $5,134.50 and the Texas Hold’em had a balance of $3,773.04. He was questioned on the use of Union Printers. He noted there are no Union Printers located in the 2nd Congressional District. However, for the mailing for the Blue Wave Gala, a Union printer will be used out of Pontiac. It was moved by Mark Everhart and seconded by Ed Miller to: ACCEPT THE TREASURER’S REPORT AND PAY ALL BILLS. MOTION CARRIED.
10. Secretary’s Report
Peggy Raddatz, Secretary thanked Mark Everhart, Lake County for doing an excellent job taking the Minutes while she was sick. John Helge, Vice Chair stated that all emails to the body of the district members must go through the Secretary for spellcheck and formatting.
11. Committee Reports
a. Rules and Bylaws Committee – Dallas Dean, Newaygo County, Committee Chair stated since there were no changes to the bylaws, there was nothing to report.
b. Finance and Fundraising Committee – Dallas Dean, Newaygo County, Committee Chair warmly thanked everyone who worked on the Ice Cream Social. He went on to talk about the Blue Wave Gala. The Committee had first looked at St. Ives Golf Club Ballroom. However, they found that St. Ives was too expensive, had limited seating and the physical site was too constraining for their use. They added a person from Mecosta County to their committee, Jess Illif-List who knew the lay of the land. They now have settled on CK’s Place. CK’s Place now meets all the committee’s criteria. The Blue Wave Gala is set for September 30.
In addition, Dallas Dean announced the work dates for Texas Hold’em. They are July 24-27, August 7-10, and September 11-14 and September 18-21.
c. Candidate Recruitment and Support Committee – Edward Miller, Mason County, Committee Chair reported this committee had not met, but would meet prior to the August 12th meeting of the 2nd Congressional District.
d. Political and 2nd CD Party Organizing Committee – Cathy Willermet, Isabella County, Committee Chair reported they were looking for emails and names of the newspapers. If those could be forwarded, it would be appreciated.
e. Communications Committee – Mary Minnick, Lake County, Committee Chair reported she had contacted the Grand Rapids Press to announce the Ice Cream Social and 2CD meeting.
f. Policy and Resolution Committee – John Helge, Manistee County, Committee Chair apprised us all of the Mecosta County Democratic Party’s Resolution in support of the Gotion manufacturing facility. He was taking it home to his party and hoped others would do the same.
g. Audit Committee – Robin Aslakson, Mason County, Committee Chair. No report at this time.
New Business –
1. MARK YOUR CALENDAR -- At the August 12th Meeting of the 2nd Congressional District where all members are invited, State Supreme Court Justice Elizabeth Welch will be our guest speaker. The meeting will be held at the Wheaton Township Hall, 201 Sheridan Avenue, Remus, Michigan from 10-Noon.
2. BLUE WAVE GALA – It was moved by Dallas Dean, Newaygo County, and seconded by K.P. Mahoney, Muskegon County TO HOLD THE BLUE WAVE GALA AT CK’S PLACE. MOTION CARRIED. Our keynote speaker for the Blue Wave Gala will be Elissa Slotkin, Candidate for U.S. Senate. Again, the Blue Wave Gala will be held September 30th.
12. Good and Welfare –
a. Karen Turnbull, Mecosta County, asked members to consider participating in the two fundraisers they have going on. “Spring into Summer” on May 19th at the Antlers Fireside Grill in Stanwood. In addition, the party is sponsoring the Woodbridge Ferris Gala on October 14th. Support would be greatly appreciated as they work to back the Gotion manufacturing facility. She also noted the Mecosta Legacy nominees appreciated the certificates they received.
b. Michael Fields, Gladwin County stated a letter he co-authored was on the website for all to use regarding House Bills 4410, 4411, 4412 and Senate Bills 0265, 0266 and 0267. These bills address driver licenses for guest workers. He encouraged members to send this letter to our Republican representatives, so they go on record as not supporting farmers. Michael Fields, would forward talking points to the 2CD Executive Team, to be sent out by email to members.
c. Christine Freestone, Gratiot County announced on the 50th anniversary of the PBB disaster, there will be a Conference to Commemorate and Learn from the Poisoning of Michigan from PBB. Fifty years have gone by without cleanup of the PBB site. With funds from the Biden administration, and a big sign thanking Biden at the site, the error is now being rectified.
d. Dallas Dean, Newaygo County, noted the Legacy dinner will be held May 20th in Detroit. Legacy Awardees, Peggy Raddatz, Mason County would be attending with her husband, and Dallas Dean, Newaygo County, who recently lost his wife, would be attending with Amanda Siggins, Wexford County.
e. Mary Minnick, Lake County, introduced Michael Lynch, candidate for the 2nd Congressional District. Michael Lynch, Gratiot County, entertained us all with a clever parody of a Jeff Foxworthy routine.
f. Lily Cheng-Schulting, Kent County, Vice-Chair of the MDP Progressive Caucus, introduced Hill Harper, a possible candidate for U.S. Senate. Hill Harper, Wayne County, told us about his background and what he would do if he were Senator.
13. Adjournment
It was the consensus of the group the meeting be adjourned. Mary Minnick, Chair declared the meeting adjourned at 11:44 am.
Respectfully submitted,
By Peggy Raddatz
2nd Congressional District
If you have any changes or additions, please contact me directly before the meeting to save time at the meeting, [email protected]. Thank you for your cooperation!