2nd CD Combined Agenda for March 9, 2024
Pledge to the Flag
Indigenous Land Acknowledgement:
“The State of Michigan occupies the ancestral, traditional, and contemporary lands of the Anishinabek – Three Fires Confederacy, the Odawa (Ottawa), Ojibwe (Chippewa), and Bodewadmi (Potawatomi). The Michigan Democratic Party recognizes historic Indigenous communities in Michigan and those forcibly removed from their homelands. We further recognize the ongoing relationship of dependence upon, and respect for, all living beings of earth, sky, and water. In offering this land acknowledgment, we affirm Indigenous sovereignty, history, and experiences.”
1). Michael Lynch, Candidate for Congress, will be our guest speaker.
Roll call of officers:
(Peggy) Roll Call of District Committee Members:
(Peggy) Roll call of Counties:
Determination of quorum:
Approval of agenda:
Approval of minutes:
Officer’s reports:
Chairperson Mary Minnick
Vice Chairperson John Helge
Treasurer Dallas Dean
Secretary Peggy Raddatz
Committee Reports:
● Rules and Bylaws Committee:
1). Dallas Dean (Chair)
2). Mark Everhart - Lake County D.P.
3). John Helge - Manistee County D.P.
4). Mary Minnick - Lake County D.P.
● Finance and Fundraising Committee:
1). Dallas Dean (Chair)
2). Ken Mahoney - Muskegon C.D.P.
3). Jessica Illiff – Osceola C.D.P.
● Candidate Recruitment and Support (for candidate) Committee:
1). Ed Miller (Chair)
2). Christina Bush - Barry County D.P.
3). Christie Freestone - Gratiot County D.P.
4). Julie Alexander - Mecosta County D.P.
● Political and 2nd CD Party Organizing Committee:
I know you have something special you would like to discuss. The floor is yours.
1).Cathy Willermet (Chair)
2). Karen Turnbull - Mecosta County D.P.
● Communications Committee:
1). Mary Minnick (Chair)
2). Sally Wagoner - Newaygo C.D.P.
● Policy and Resolution Committee:
1). John Helge (Chair)
2). Michael Lynch - Gratiot C.D.P.
From John: "The Manistee County Democratic Party approved the attached resolution at our March 5, 2024 meeting.
As a member of the 2nd CD Resolution Committee, I am hoping that we can consider approving this proposed resolution during our meeting on Saturday March 9, 2024.
I am copying Michael Lynch on this email as he is also on the Resolution Committee. I would hope he can also approve of our consideration, but I am also open to discussing this with him should he have questions or need additional information prior to approving it to moving forward with the 2nd CD Committee as a whole."
Click here to read resolution: www.michigan2nddemocrats.com/resolutions.html
● Audit Committee:
1). Robin (Alexson) Aslakson (Chair)
2). Mark Everhart - Lake C.D.P.
Unfinished Business:
New Business:
1).Subject: 2024 Rural Summit. "Dear Friends, With the donation of $1,000 to the 2024 Rural Summit, there are four free tickets. I would like to propose that two go to Wexford County Dems and two go to the Osceola Dems, as they are our two fledging groups in the district.
Best regards, Peggy".
2). "Good evening, fellow Democrats, This email is going out to ALL CHAIRS of all county, CD, and caucus committees. I have attached a resolution passed unanimously by the Montcalm County Democratic Party at our last meeting on 2/19/24. There is a PDF and a Word version if your committee would be interested in editing their own resolution for consideration. Have a good evening. Justin Johnson - Chair (he/him) Montcalm County Democratic Party".
I have a copy of this resolution if anyone would like to see it now or you can read it on the Website under the tab "Resolutions".
County Reports:
**Due to the number of counties in the 2nd CD, County Reports will be included with the meeting minutes from today. If you haven’t already submitted them, please do so as soon as possible. I add them to our website under the "County Parties" tab.
Good and Welfare:
1). The Rural Caucus of the MDP invites you to their 2nd Annual Rural Summit on April 11th-13th at Shanty Creek Resort in Bellaire. ).
2). The MDP has updated our paper membership forms to match the information now required by ActBlue to make secure contributions via credit card. Our new forms have an additional field to collect information from those members renewing with a credit card. Please STOP using the old membership forms and use this new form, dated December 2023, moving forward.
Forms found here: https://michigandems.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/MDP-Membership-App-2023_UPDATED.pdf and on michigandems.com/join
Agenda is complete, meeting is adjourned
Pledge to the Flag
Indigenous Land Acknowledgement:
“The State of Michigan occupies the ancestral, traditional, and contemporary lands of the Anishinabek – Three Fires Confederacy, the Odawa (Ottawa), Ojibwe (Chippewa), and Bodewadmi (Potawatomi). The Michigan Democratic Party recognizes historic Indigenous communities in Michigan and those forcibly removed from their homelands. We further recognize the ongoing relationship of dependence upon, and respect for, all living beings of earth, sky, and water. In offering this land acknowledgment, we affirm Indigenous sovereignty, history, and experiences.”
1). Michael Lynch, Candidate for Congress, will be our guest speaker.
Roll call of officers:
(Peggy) Roll Call of District Committee Members:
(Peggy) Roll call of Counties:
Determination of quorum:
Approval of agenda:
Approval of minutes:
Officer’s reports:
Chairperson Mary Minnick
Vice Chairperson John Helge
Treasurer Dallas Dean
Secretary Peggy Raddatz
Committee Reports:
● Rules and Bylaws Committee:
1). Dallas Dean (Chair)
2). Mark Everhart - Lake County D.P.
3). John Helge - Manistee County D.P.
4). Mary Minnick - Lake County D.P.
● Finance and Fundraising Committee:
1). Dallas Dean (Chair)
2). Ken Mahoney - Muskegon C.D.P.
3). Jessica Illiff – Osceola C.D.P.
● Candidate Recruitment and Support (for candidate) Committee:
1). Ed Miller (Chair)
2). Christina Bush - Barry County D.P.
3). Christie Freestone - Gratiot County D.P.
4). Julie Alexander - Mecosta County D.P.
● Political and 2nd CD Party Organizing Committee:
I know you have something special you would like to discuss. The floor is yours.
1).Cathy Willermet (Chair)
2). Karen Turnbull - Mecosta County D.P.
● Communications Committee:
1). Mary Minnick (Chair)
2). Sally Wagoner - Newaygo C.D.P.
● Policy and Resolution Committee:
1). John Helge (Chair)
2). Michael Lynch - Gratiot C.D.P.
From John: "The Manistee County Democratic Party approved the attached resolution at our March 5, 2024 meeting.
As a member of the 2nd CD Resolution Committee, I am hoping that we can consider approving this proposed resolution during our meeting on Saturday March 9, 2024.
I am copying Michael Lynch on this email as he is also on the Resolution Committee. I would hope he can also approve of our consideration, but I am also open to discussing this with him should he have questions or need additional information prior to approving it to moving forward with the 2nd CD Committee as a whole."
Click here to read resolution: www.michigan2nddemocrats.com/resolutions.html
● Audit Committee:
1). Robin (Alexson) Aslakson (Chair)
2). Mark Everhart - Lake C.D.P.
Unfinished Business:
New Business:
1).Subject: 2024 Rural Summit. "Dear Friends, With the donation of $1,000 to the 2024 Rural Summit, there are four free tickets. I would like to propose that two go to Wexford County Dems and two go to the Osceola Dems, as they are our two fledging groups in the district.
Best regards, Peggy".
2). "Good evening, fellow Democrats, This email is going out to ALL CHAIRS of all county, CD, and caucus committees. I have attached a resolution passed unanimously by the Montcalm County Democratic Party at our last meeting on 2/19/24. There is a PDF and a Word version if your committee would be interested in editing their own resolution for consideration. Have a good evening. Justin Johnson - Chair (he/him) Montcalm County Democratic Party".
I have a copy of this resolution if anyone would like to see it now or you can read it on the Website under the tab "Resolutions".
County Reports:
**Due to the number of counties in the 2nd CD, County Reports will be included with the meeting minutes from today. If you haven’t already submitted them, please do so as soon as possible. I add them to our website under the "County Parties" tab.
Good and Welfare:
1). The Rural Caucus of the MDP invites you to their 2nd Annual Rural Summit on April 11th-13th at Shanty Creek Resort in Bellaire. ).
2). The MDP has updated our paper membership forms to match the information now required by ActBlue to make secure contributions via credit card. Our new forms have an additional field to collect information from those members renewing with a credit card. Please STOP using the old membership forms and use this new form, dated December 2023, moving forward.
Forms found here: https://michigandems.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/12/MDP-Membership-App-2023_UPDATED.pdf and on michigandems.com/join
Agenda is complete, meeting is adjourned