MINUTES Saturday, November 11, 2023 Wheatland Township Hall 10:00 a.m. Remus, MI
Call to Order – The meeting was called to order by Mary Minnick, Chair at 10:04 a.m.
Mary Minnick, Chair led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance.
In addition, Christina Bush, Barry County, read the Land Acknowledgment Statement.
Guest Speaker Michael Lynch, Candidate for 2nd Congressional District.
Michael talked about his parents being Veterans as we celebrate Veterans Day. He also talked about being turned away at the recruiting center where he went to enlist and how his life took a different direction. He congratulated Ohio on the passage of their Prop 1, in support of abortion rights as well as the UAW in their strike settlements. Labor is not a commodity. Republicans lust for power and control has dimmed their view of the human condition. We need more kindness and gentleness in the world. So many people hate politicians. Then stop electing them! Elect statesmen. Visit www.ElectMichaelLynch.com to make a donation.
At this time, Veterans were asked to stand and be recognized. They were given a tremendous round of applause and cheers.
Roll Call -- Officers -- Mary Minnick, Chair – Present John Helge, Vice Chair -- Present Dallas Dean, Treasurer – Present Peggy Raddatz, Secretary -- Present
Roll Call (continued) District Committee Members Robin Aslakson, Mason County – Present Jeffery Beegle, Muskegon County -- Absent Christina Bush, Barry County -- Present Shawn Davis, Ottawa -- Absent Dallas Dean, Newaygo County -- Present Michael Fields, Gladwin County -- Absent Christie Freestone, Gratiot County -- Absent Christine Gerace, Gladwin County -- Absent John Helge, Manistee County -- Present Jerry Hilliard, Mecosta County-- Absent Michael Lynch, Gratiot County -- Present Ken Mahoney, Muskegon County -- Absent Edward Miller, Mason County -- Present Mary Minnick, Lake County -- Present John Pakledinaz, Clare County -- Absent Peggy Raddatz, Mason County, -- Present Karen Turnbull, Mecosta County – Present Cathy Willermet, Isabella County—Absent
County Count Barry County -2 Clare County -- 3 Eaton County (3/16) --0 Gladwin County --0 Gratiot County -- 1 Ionia County -- 0 Isabella County --1 Kent County (13/24) --0 Lake County --3 Manistee County --2 Mason County --2 Mecosta County --5 Midland County --0 Montcalm County -- 1 Muskegon County (11/18) -- 2 Newaygo County -- 6 Oceana County -- 2 Osceola County -- 1 Ottawa County (1/17) --0 Wexford County -- 0
A Quorum was deemed present.
It was moved by John Pakledinaz, Clare County and seconded by Michael Lynch, Gratiot County to ACCEPT THE AGENDA AS PRESENTED. MOTION CARRIED.
There being no corrections to the Minutes of the Previous Meeting, the MINUTES WOULD STAND APPROVED. Chair’s Report
Mary Minnick, Chair stated because of time constraints, her Chair’s Report could be found on the 2nd Congressional District Website https://www.michigan2nddemocrats.com/.
Vice Chair’s Report John Helge Vice Chair’s report could also be found on the website. In addition, he talked about his efforts staffing the DEFUND MOOLENAAR website and his ongoing hell-raising making good-trouble. He was especially angry at Moolenaar for working against good-paying jobs in rural Northern Michigan just so Governor Whitmer could not score a win for the economy.
GUEST SPEAKER – Pamela Pugh, President Michigan Board of Education On the Board of Education, she touted her efforts to push back against conservative efforts to water down social studies curricula and other efforts to "censor" what kids are learning in public schools, including the "ugly parts" of American history. She sided with Detroit students in the "right to literacy" civil lawsuit they brought against their school district in 2016, even though she was a named defendant in the case. Pugh also stressed her experience working in diverse communities across the state and said she anticipates a campaign focused on fighting climate change, ensuring a quality education system and "economic dignity. What she means by that is going to a job where you are respected, where you're paid what you deserve to be paid ... that you're able to put food on the table, making sure that you have enough energy at the end of the day to enjoy your family, have quality of life, have quality and affordable healthcare, and then being able to retire with dignity.
Treasurer’s Report Dallas Dean, Treasurer Newaygo County reported the balances of the Federal, State, Administrative, and Texas Hold ‘em Accounts. The State Account had a balance of $2,573.86, the Administrative Account had a balance of $227.49, the Federal Account had a balance of $8,168.29and the Texas Hold’em had a balance of $14,867.40. Dallas noted the Wheaton Township Hall contract had been signed and paid for. It was moved by Mark Everhart, Lake County and seconded by Karen Turnbull, Mecosta County to: ACCEPT THE TREASURER’S REPORT AND PAY ALL BILLS. MOTION CARRIED.
Secretary’s Report Peggy Raddatz, Secretary Manistee County stated she had received no correspondence.
Committee Reports Rules and Bylaws Committee – Dallas Dean, Newaygo County, Committee Chair stated there was no report at this time. However, he did want to mention that the Bylaw changes were accepted by the Michigan Democratic Party.
Finance and Fundraising Committee – Dallas Dean, Newaygo County, Committee Chair stated there was no report at this time.
Candidate Recruitment and Support Committee – Ed Miller, Mason County, Committee Chair was absent from the meeting, hence no report was available at this time.
Political and 2nd CD Party Organizing Committee – Karen Turnbull, Mecosta County, Committee Member questioned what their committee should be doing. She keenly felt the need in her own County Party, after the Green Charter Township Board was recalled despite Mecosta Party’s efforts to stop it. How does a party get in touch with strong and leaning Dems before the 2024 election? She had created a Procedural Document of What Seemed to Work. She would share this document with members. Karen also expressed an interest in recruiting Precinct Delegates, but who has a definition as to what a Precinct Delegate does? Nearly everyone in attendance was an elected Precinct Delegate.
Communications Committee – Mary Minnick, Lake County, Committee Chair reported the guest speaker for February 10th, 2024 will be Leslie Love, Candidate for U.S. Senate. She also reported she was continuing to work on getting Elissa Slotkin to speak to our group. In addition, she reported on the successful gathering of the 2nd CD Chairs with AG Dana Nessel at the Cabin.
Policy and Resolution Committee – John Helge stated there was no report at this time.
Audit Committee – Robin Aslaskin stated there was no report at this time.
Unfinished Business – Mary Minnick, Chair, Lake County stated there was a request from Ed Miller, Chair Mason County Democratic Party for Office Rent support. After extended discussion, it was moved by Dallas Dean and seconded by K.P. Mahoney TO SUPPORT MASON COUNTY DEMOCRATIC PARTY WITH TWO MONTHS PAYMENT, OR $1400, OF A SIX-MONTH LEASE FOR A CAMPAIGN OFFICE IN LUDINGTON, MICHIGAN. A vote was taken by a show of hands. 21 AYES 4 NAYS
New Business –
COUNTY CHAIR REPORTS Mary Minnick, Chair Lake County reminded everyone to check out the 2nd CD website for 2nd District County Chair Reports.
PETITIONS FOR MICHAEL LYNCH a. Michael Lynch has his candidate petitions to sign to get him on the ballot, if you have not signed them yet or need a few blank petitions to have your county party's members sign them, please email or call Michael lynch at cell: 312-823-2105 email: [email protected].
b. Mary Minnick, Chair informed the group a Female Member of the State Central Committee and a Female Alternate had resigned in the last month. John Helge, Vice Chair would conduct the Election.
After each introduced themselves to the group, a vote was taken by a show of hands.
ROSS 19 votes. WEAVER 7 votes. Shelly Ross is the 5th State Central Committee Delegate for the 2nd Congressional District.
Both women, as State Central Committee Delegate and Delegate Alternate will be added to the 2nd Congressional District Committee.
At this point in time Nominations were taken for names to be added to the 2nd Congressional District Committee.
K.P. Mahoney, Muskegon County nominated LYNN CAVAZOS, OCEANA COUNTY Peggy Raddatz, Manistee County nominated K.P. MAHONEY, MUSKEGON COUNTY Mary Minnick, Lake County nominated MARK EVERHART, LAKE COUNTY K.P. Mahoney, Muskegon County nominated CHRIS PROVANT, OCEANA COUNTY Dallas Dean, Newaygo County nominated STAN OPAL, NEWAYGO COUNTY Karen Turnbull, Mecosta County nominated BETSY MOSKOWITZ, MECOSTA COUNTY.
A voice vote was taken. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. BLUE WAVE GALA -- It was moved by Dallas Dean, Newaygo County and seconded by John Helge, Manistee County to CONTINUE THE ANNUAL BLUE WAVE GALA DINNER. A vote by show of hands was taken. 17 Ayes 5 Nays 1 Abstention TRUE BLUE AWARD – It was moved by Dallas Dean, Newaygo County and seconded by K.P. Mahoney, Muskegon County to CONTINUTE THE TRUE-BLUE AWARD. Discussion followed that the True-Blue Award was the former 2CD Award. We are the new 2CD. It was moved by K.P. Mahoney, Muskegon County and seconded by Karen Turnbull, Mecosta County TO TABLE THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED. 2 nays.
GOOD AND WELFARE – Karen Turnbull, Mecosta County, strongly felt we need to come together as the new 2nd CD and be welcoming to all the new counties. We can’t always be repeating what went on in the old 2nd CD without looking backwards. We must continue to look forward and how we can be inclusive with the new counties. ADJOURNMENT Adjournment It was the consensus of the group the meeting be adjourned. Mary Minnick, Chair declared the meeting adjourned at 12.35 pm.
Respectfully submitted, By Peggy Raddatz Secretary 2nd Congressional District
If you have any changes or additions, please contact me directly before the meeting to save time, [email protected]. Thank you for your cooperation!